-14- EMBELLISHMENT PACK ONLY for the Rosamund by Mirabilia
Blossom Goddess EMBELLISHMENT PACK by Mirabilia
-14- EMBELLISHMENT PACK ONLY for the Queen Bee by Mirabilia
-20- Embellishment Pack for White Clover Poison Pixies by Nora Corbett
Accessory/Thread Pack Child of My Child by Victoria Sampler
Accessory/Thread Pack Pumpkin Cottage
Accessory/Thread Pack Stitchin Witches
Black Silk Accessory/Thread Pack Stitchin Witches
Accessory/Thread Pack Poinsettia Place Sampler
Accessory/Thread Pack Jingle Bells Sampler
White Silk Accessory/Thread Pack Jingle Bells Sampler
THREAD/EMBELLISHMENT PACK for Halloween Sampler by Jeanette Douglas